
Showing posts from January, 2010

Chonky Boys: The Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches that Scream Summer!

Featuring my thick and nuggy Chonky Boy Chocolate Chip Cookies, these ice cream sandwiches are the stuff that summer dreams are made of.  If you've ever had the Cookie Ice Cream Sandwich at Disneyland , you are going to LOVE these!  These big and bold chocolate chip cookies are based on a recipe from my culinary school studies at Auguste Escoffier, but with a few modifications to give them that Jennuine touch.  They make the perfectas book for a fat slice of real vanilla bean ice cream.  And those mini chips?  You just gotta have that extra cronch! Thank goodness this recipe only makes 8 sandwiches, otherwise I would be eating them for breakfast lunch and dinner.  This way, my big family can help save me from my inner child diet-saboteur.   Print With Image Without Image Chonky Boy Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches Yield: 8 Author: Jenn Erickson Loaded with chocolate chips and buttery, brown-sugary vanilla flavor, these mall-sized cookie...


Looking for a unique gift for the artist, crafter, or organized person in your life?   How about some chic little personalized Valentines? This past summer, my friend Larise and I went to the Renegade Craft Fair in San Francisco ~ an astounding collective of some of the most creative and talented craftspeople from around the country!  One of the things that stood out to me were the chic little business cards that many of the vendors were using ~ smaller, thinner, and more avant garde than your typical business card.  Some of the cards featured mod geometrics.  Others had modern floral prints, or quirky characters, or vintage inspired images.  To my artistic eye, these little personal expressions were a feast of visual candy!   Moo cards as Hanging Tags for your Etsy Store I was thrilled to discover that MOO , a forward-thinking printing company in the US and the UK has made the process of creating your own "Mini-Cards", not only easy, but...

Il Timpano ~ For your Big Night, or any night...

There are films that make you laugh;  films that make you cry; films that cause you to take pause, reflect and meditate on your own life; and then there are some films that inspire you to express your love and passion through cooking ~ Babette's Feast , Like Water for Chocolate , Eat Drink Man Woman , and Chocolat to name a few. After I first saw Big Night back in 1998, there was one thing I knew I must do:  make a Timpano!  As a busy, working mother of two my recipe has slowly evolved through the years to be a bit easier, quicker, and appealing to the kids, without sacrificing flavor and depth.  What  I like most about this recipe is that it is versatile (you can add any ingredients that your family enjoys), fun for the kids to help make, and is always delicious.  The presentation never fails to garner "oohs" and "ahhs". Rook No. 17 Big Night Timpano serves 6 1 pound dry spaghetti 1 jar of your fa...

Waiter! There's a BABY in my cake! -- or -- IT MUST BE THREE KINGS DAY

Today we are celebrating the 12th Day of Christmas.  I'm nursing a tremendous migraine, so fortunately, this does not mean that our true love will be bestowing the gift of "twelve drummers drumming".   What it does mean is that today my family and I will celebrate Three Kings Day ; also know as Epiphany or Twelfth Night . This Christian holiday celebrates the day that the three wise men brought gifts to the baby Jesus. The legendary visit later gave rise to the custom of gift giving at Christmas on the Feast of the Epiphany, today traditionally observed on January 6. In Germany, where my father's family originated, children go from house to house on Epiphany eve, singing carols and chalking the year and initials KMB (those of the kings, Kaspar, Melchior and Balthasar), near the entrance of each home. The festive Dreikonigskuchen or Three Kings Cake is also served that night to celebrate the occasion. Since childhood I have relished all the magic an...