
Showing posts from March, 2011

Chonky Boys: The Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches that Scream Summer!

Featuring my thick and nuggy Chonky Boy Chocolate Chip Cookies, these ice cream sandwiches are the stuff that summer dreams are made of.  If you've ever had the Cookie Ice Cream Sandwich at Disneyland , you are going to LOVE these!  These big and bold chocolate chip cookies are based on a recipe from my culinary school studies at Auguste Escoffier, but with a few modifications to give them that Jennuine touch.  They make the perfectas book for a fat slice of real vanilla bean ice cream.  And those mini chips?  You just gotta have that extra cronch! Thank goodness this recipe only makes 8 sandwiches, otherwise I would be eating them for breakfast lunch and dinner.  This way, my big family can help save me from my inner child diet-saboteur.   Print With Image Without Image Chonky Boy Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches Yield: 8 Author: Jenn Erickson Loaded with chocolate chips and buttery, brown-sugary vanilla flavor, these mall-sized cookie...

Family Timeline Banner Tutorial

It's great having crafty and inspiring friends!  Recently, Holly of  504 Main  and Jenn of Redberry Barn got me excited to enter the banner contest being sponsored by Canvas Corp .  After considerable brainstorming, and tossing out half a dozen ill conceived ideas, I finally struck upon a concept I could run with.   Enter-- The Family Timeline -- a banner commemorating special moments in the history of one's family. The "Timeline" features canvas clock faces that are set to times that are meaningful.  For my "Timeline", my clocks represent the time I was married and the times that my two daughters were born.  Each clock is accompanied by a mini photo canvas bearing a picture relevant to the event being commemorated.   Speaking of crafty friends inspiring an idea, I'm sure that the clocks on Carol's Upcycled Cocoa Containers at "The Answer is Chocolate" must have planted the temporal seed! I was pleased ...

Win a Vintage Schoolhouse Blackboard from Rook No. 17 and 504 Main

Do you remember when Holly of 504 Main and I created the Vintage Schoolhouse Blackboards back in February (find Part I HERE , and Part 2 HERE )?  We shared a spontaneous inspiration based on an image from a 1923 paper doll collection from The Graphics Fairy, and came up with a creative way to bring the sweet vintage blackboard to life. Holly and I had so much fun creating the retro blackboards together, that we decided to do it all again....but this time, for YOU!  In fact, we're giving away TWO -- one at 504 Main, and one right here on Rook No. 17.  The blackboards measure 18" x 24" and will be shipped to the winners, at our expense, anywhere in the continental U.S. WIN ME!! Here's how to enter: MANDATORY Leave a nice comment on the giveaway posts at BOTH Rook No. 17 AND 504 Main. Be sure to mention that you "follow" both blogs. You get one entry for following/commenting on 504 Main You get one entry for following/co...

Spring Crafts and Recipes -- A Little Birdie Told Me...#13

Welcome to  "A Little Birdie Told Me..." Tuesday! If you're here to share a craft, recipe or project post, you'll find the linky and the specifics on how to  join the party after the features below. "Hello...Month of March...MGM called...they want their lion back!" It is said that "March comes in like a lion...."  Frankly, the lion has worn out his welcome.  I've kindly asked him to leave, but I'm feeling doubtful that a lamb-like exit is in the forecast. If anything, I imagine March will "go out" like a rabid wolverine, claws flailing wildly at the door jamb.   "Why so eager to move on?  April Showers..." you warn.  Pshaw..already had 'em -- in spades (bucketfuls, actually). It's been a fast-paced, hectic, and very wet month.   Fortunately, despite my sporadic posting and utter lack of online party-going, you've stuck by me -- Thank you! And last week's ...

Giveaway -- Win a Trio of Frolicking Moss Bunnies of Your Very Own

Did  you happen to catch my tutorial for the Moss Bunny Topiaries on Sunday?  If not, you can find out how I antiqued the pots and crate and put it all together HERE . Would you like to win a trio of those sweet little faux moss bunnies for your very own?   Well, Megan of "Beauty In The Attempt"  is on a mission to clear the clutter, and to that end has initiated a fun party called "The Road To The Final Tchotchke" .  Crafty bloggers are given the opportunity to link-up something that they'd like to GIVE AWAY. The fuzzy bunnies have been such a hit, I figured, "why not give some away?" (The crate and pots are not included --  It's just the three bunnies on sticks ) --I pay the postage-- To be eligible for a chance to win, here's what you need to do: 1)  Leave a nice comment on this post. 2)  Follow Rook No. 17 3)  "Like"  Rook No. 17 on Facebook The winner will be drawn at random on...

OWL BET YA LIKE IT -- Interior Design at Your Fingertips with Olioboard

My Play-On-Birds I was delighted when my friend Anne, the author of the blog BIRD/LIKE introduced me to the free online design tool called Olioboard . Olioboard allows you to choose from thousands of real home decor items including flooring, wallpaper, furniture, accessories, and even plants to create "mood boards" which allow you to design living spaces in a fun, new way!  Well, enough about that...this isn't a commercial, after all! Last week, Anne started a unique party at  Bird/Like . It starts out with a photo of a bird, as inspiration. Then,  participants are able to share a mood board that they've created, based on the bird of the week.   Owls are cool! It's no secret, here at Rook No. 17 that I have an affinity for birds, so Anne's challenge was one I certainly couldn't pass up, especially since this week's bird was the sensational Spectacled Owl: There was definitely a learning curve, but overall I was happy wit...

C is for Cheesecake -- The ABC's of A LITTLE BIRDIE TOLD ME

Welcome to  "A Little Birdie Told Me..." Tuesday! If you're here to share a craft, recipe or project post, you'll find the linky and the specifics on how to  join the party after the features below. _________________________________ I've been nominated as a Top Craft Mom Blog at Can you spare a few seconds to click "Like" for this crafty ol' bird? _________________________________ Last week, A Little Birdie Told Me... ...the Animal Alphabet was all abuzz Alistair Anteater Anticipated April Showers He thought the Personalized Child-Sized Umbrella's  from  Crossing the Bugger-Dixon Line were Absolutely Ace! ________________________________________________ Bertram Bandercoot Bear  Would Abandon his Bucket and replace it with one of the  Beautiful  Peat Pot Easter Baskets or  Bitty Baskets of Beans at Musings from K...