
Showing posts from May, 2020

Chonky Boys: The Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches that Scream Summer!

Featuring my thick and nuggy Chonky Boy Chocolate Chip Cookies, these ice cream sandwiches are the stuff that summer dreams are made of.  If you've ever had the Cookie Ice Cream Sandwich at Disneyland , you are going to LOVE these!  These big and bold chocolate chip cookies are based on a recipe from my culinary school studies at Auguste Escoffier, but with a few modifications to give them that Jennuine touch.  They make the perfectas book for a fat slice of real vanilla bean ice cream.  And those mini chips?  You just gotta have that extra cronch! Thank goodness this recipe only makes 8 sandwiches, otherwise I would be eating them for breakfast lunch and dinner.  This way, my big family can help save me from my inner child diet-saboteur.   Print With Image Without Image Chonky Boy Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches Yield: 8 Author: Jenn Erickson Loaded with chocolate chips and buttery, brown-sugary vanilla flavor, these mall-sized cookie...

Honeysuckle Rose Gin & Tonic

Here's to Summer with a perfect cocktail to toast the end of the school year -- A Honeysuckle Rose Gin & Tonic.  A touch of homemade honeysuckle-lemon simple syrup and honeysuckle infused gin (or vodka if you prefer) make for a delightful twist on the classic!   If you prefer a vodka tonic, replace the gin in the recipe with vodka.  Simple. Print With Image Without Image Honeysuckle Rose Gin & Tonic Yield: 2 Author: Jenn Erickson Prep time: 24 hour Cook time: 10 M Total time: 24 H & 10 M Fresh honeysuckle is used to infuse a lemon simple syrup as well as the gin (or vodka). The two come together with tonic and rose petals for a beautiful summertime cocktail. Ingredients: For the honeysuckle syrup 1 cup water 1 cup granulated sugar 2 cups rinsed honeysuckle flowers Zest of 1/2 a small lemon For the honeysuckle infused Gin or Vodka 6 ounces gin* or vodka 1 cup rinsed honeysuckle flowers For the cocktails 14 ounces tonic (keep it simple)* 6 ounces honeysu...

Edible Flowers: Bachelor Buttons (+Avocado Toast with Creamy Herb Scrambled Eggs)

Edible flowers are everywhere this time of year!  Today, I'd like to introduce a new favorite of mine -- Bachelor Buttons.  They're an easy-to-grow annual from the Asteraceae family, native to Europe and Asia and bloom from summer to early fall.  Depending on where you live, they may be called Cornflowers or Blue bonnets.  With a very subtle cucumber taste, I call them delicious!  Their vibrant color and mild taste make them a perfect garnish for both sweet and savory foods. Thanks to my best pal, Kelly (who understands my taking a fancy to eating flowers) for gifting me a blossom; which after a day of beauty in a tiny vase on my windowsill, became the garnish for my avocado toast with creamy herb scrambled eggs.  A single bloom has dozens of smaller flower-like pieces, making them a very compact, yet bountiful source of culinary adornment. I'm not going to tell you how to make Avocado Toast (hint:  it's avocado and toast), but I am happ...

How to Make Authentic Mole -- The Original AwesomeSauce (+Enchilada Recipe)

Three of my adopted children are of Mexican (Yucatan) descent and my eldest son, who is passionate about cooking, asked to learn how to make authentic mole for his "Family Heritage" culinary project.  After doing my research and culling the best of the best recipes, we made a batch of the most incredible mole I've ever tasted.  With more than 30 ingredients, it's not a quick and easy recipe, but the results are 100% worth it and can make more than one full meal.  The depth of this sauce is incredible.  The flavors are so exquisitely blended that your taste buds will be incredibly blissed out.  The best part of this recipe is that it not only makes one meal (a boatload of sauce with chicken that you load into warm tortillas with rice), but you end up with enough sauce to make enchiladas and then maybe even a little bit more.  My kids have been putting it over tamales and their breakfast eggs in the morning.  This literal Awesome...

Nostalgia Food: Old Fashioned Apple Hand Pies

Who doesn't love a pie that you can eat with one hand while vacuuming, updating a resume, getting a child down for a nap, helping another child with a history report, and folding laundry with the other?  Clearly, only people who don't like pie, and this isn't for them.  This is for us: Pie People. For me, the pocket pie obsession started in childhood with the iconic, mouth scalding  MacDonalds apple pies.  If you were around in the 1970s, you'll remember: crisp & flaky, buttery & slightly salty, with blistered crusts that concealed a molten center of perfect apple pie filling.  If you possessed the willpower to wait for the lava interior to cool, you were rewarded with the greatest American invention since the fast food burger AND the apple pie together, which in a weird sort of way, they were; after all, they were fried in beef fat.  Those things were pure magic (or at least that's what my 6-year old self thought). These da...