Chonky Boys: The Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches that Scream Summer!

Featuring my thick and nuggy Chonky Boy Chocolate Chip Cookies, these ice cream sandwiches are the stuff that summer dreams are made of.  If you've ever had the Cookie Ice Cream Sandwich at Disneyland , you are going to LOVE these!  These big and bold chocolate chip cookies are based on a recipe from my culinary school studies at Auguste Escoffier, but with a few modifications to give them that Jennuine touch.  They make the perfectas book for a fat slice of real vanilla bean ice cream.  And those mini chips?  You just gotta have that extra cronch! Thank goodness this recipe only makes 8 sandwiches, otherwise I would be eating them for breakfast lunch and dinner.  This way, my big family can help save me from my inner child diet-saboteur.   Print With Image Without Image Chonky Boy Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches Yield: 8 Author: Jenn Erickson Loaded with chocolate chips and buttery, brown-sugary vanilla flavor, these mall-sized cookies form a perfect partnership with a


Her recipes: FABULOUS.
Her style: UBER-CHIC!
Her entertaining ideas and creations: INSPIRING!
She's witty, fun, and generous too!

Holly at 504 Main, you're like "buttah". And now, YOU'VE really gone over the top by bestowing upon me not one, but two awards! My eyes are welling up; throat feeling tight; indeed, I'm faklempt! Thank you Holly!

The first award is "One Lovely Blog". Here are the rules: Accept the award, post it on your blog along with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link. Pass the award along to several other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award...

It was hard to choose just a few, but here goes...

1. Whisker Graphics ~ check out her "FREE Owl Editable Printable Download" !
2. Helene at "I'm Living Proof That God Has a Sense of Humor" ~ her "Memo to the Bosses" is a must read!
3. Wooden Nickel ~ her post "Look Up" is uplifting and inspiring.

The next honor, for which I'm oh-so grateful is "The Over the Top Award" which came to 504 Main by way of Matty over at Matty Thoughts. Here are the rules: Same as above with the addition of answering the fun little questions below with ONLY one-word answers.

I'm passing this one on to:

1. Little Miss Heirlooms : for her whimsical style, great vintage taste, her NEW ONLINE STORE, and for bringing back happy childhood memories. -- AND--

2. BABELISME: talented, generous, cute, fun, and a whole bag o' chips! Check out her "Halloween Essentials Invitation Card" download!

1. Where is your cell phone?...Table
2. Your hair? ......Blonde
3. Your mother? ......Devoted
4. Your father?.....Flatulent (sorry Pops!)
5. Your favorite food? ......Sushi
6. Your dream last night?......Chandelier
7. Your favorite drink?....Coffee
8. Your dream/goal? .....Happy
9. What room are you in? ......Dining
10. Your hobby? ......creating
11. Your fear? .....balloons
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years?
13. Where were you last night?.....home
14. Something you aren't?.....perfect
15. Muffins? .....Yes!
16. Wish list item? ......Letterpress
17. Where did you grow up?...... Pebble
18. Last thing you did?...... lunch
19. What are you wearing?
20. Your TV? .....on
21. Your pets? .........pups
22. Your friends? ......treasured
23. Your life?......rollercoaster
24. Your mood? ......dandy
25. Missing someone? ......Mimi
26. Vehicle? ......hybrid
27. Something you're not wearing? ......Shoes
28. Your favorite store? .......TesuttiZoo
29. Your favorite color? ......Pink
30. When was the last time you laughed? ......lunch
31. Last time you cried? .....Thursday (same answer as Holly, hmmm...)
32. Your best friend?......priceless
33. One place that I go over and over? .......Mercantile
34. One person who emails me regularly?.......Sara
35. Favorite place to eat? .......sushi

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