"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success."
--Henry Ford
Welcome to
"A Little Birdie Told Me..." Tuesday!
If you're here to share a craft, recipe or project post,
you'll find the linky and the specifics on how to
join the party after the features below.
This weekend, we carried on our tradition of trekking & picnicking in the mountains with good friends before selecting the perfect tree. True, the tree sits in a rickety bucket on the back patio, looking downright uncomfortable in its nylon netted straightjacket, but we're in no hurry. Encouraged by the low-key, no-stress vibe that made our Thanksgiving celebrations this year such an absolute pleasure, we've vowed to approach the rest of the holidays with the same unhurried cadence.
In the spirit of taking your time to
create with care, passion and attention to detail, I'm featuring these
three winter holiday crafts:
If you've been featured
(here or on Facebook)
feel free to grab a "featured on" button
from the sidebar.
Now it's time to link-up and share your creativity!
I personally visit each and every link.
If you leave a comment after linking up,
you can count on a personal comment back.
1) FOLLOW Rook No. 17. Aw shucks, it just makes your host feel appreciated.
2) LINK-UP -- Link-up the URL of a specific post -- craft, recipe, DIY project, or anything else you'd like to show-off. If you have something for sale, please refer to the "Advertising" section.
3) POST THE BUTTON OR A LINK-- Grab the code for the button (below) and paste it into your sidebar or the body of your post.
4) VISIT ONE other link -- Isn't it great, when you're "discovered" by a new fan as a result of linking up to a party? Pay it forward and make someone's day!

1) click your cursor in the code box,
2) right-mouse click and "Select All",
3) right-mouse click and select Copy.
4) Paste the code into your sidebar or post.
Visit ONE other link and leave them a comment.
The links are featured from newest to oldest,
so everyone gets a chance to go "first".