Welcome to
"A Little Birdie Told Me..." Tuesday No. 54!
If you're here to share a craft, recipe or project post,
you'll find the linky and the specifics on how to
join the party after the features below.
Delicious chicken dishes were a recurring theme in last week's party.
I wonder which one my grandpa George would have liked best.
Mediterranean Style
Spinach & Sun Dried Tomato Stuffed Chicken
From Shugary Sweets
Would you believe this recipe
came from "Master of Horror"
Vincent Price?
From The Garden of Yum
Cooked outdoors in a Dutch oven
From Homegrown Beanes
Mom's Home Cookin'
From Seasons with the Seawells
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If you're a fan of the fun finds, foodie tomfoolery
and crafty shenanigans here at Rook No. 17, would
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Now it's time to link-up and share your creativity!
I personally visit each and every link.
If you leave a comment after linking up,
you can count on a personal comment back.
1) FOLLOW Rook No. 17. Aw shucks, it just makes your host feel appreciated.
2) LINK-UP -- Link-up the URL of a specific post -- craft, recipe, DIY project, or anything else you'd like to show-off. If you have something for sale, please refer to the "Advertising" section.
3) POST THE BUTTON OR A LINK-- Grab the code for the button (below) and paste it into your sidebar or the body of your post.
4) VISIT ONE other link -- Isn't it great, when you're "discovered" by a new fan as a result of linking up to a party? Pay it forward and make someone's day!

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2) right-mouse click and "Select All",
3) right-mouse click and select Copy.
4) Paste the code into your sidebar or post.
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The links are featured from newest to oldest,
so everyone gets a chance to go "first".