"I still love to kiss you goodnight
The thrill of you holding me tight
Grows ever sweeter, the long years between
Since first I kissed you when we were sixteen
I still love the touch of your lips
I can't get too much of your lips
I know when your hair is snowy white
I'll still love to kiss you goodnight"
"I Love You" ~ Bing Crosby
Welcome to
"A Little Birdie Told Me..." Tuesday No. 55!
If you're here to share a craft, recipe or project post,
you'll find the linky and the specifics on how to
join the party after the features below.
If you're planning a Valentine's Day Party,
you won't want to miss the $30 Gift Certificate Giveaway to my favorite party boutique
Shop Sweet Lulu.
Indeed, love is in the air...
...so this week's features are all about making sweet memories for those you love.
Valentine Pretzels
From Alderberry Hill
From Fudge Ripple
From Shugary Sweets
From All Artful
If you've been featured
(here or on Facebook)
feel free to grab a "featured on" button
from the sidebar.
If you're a fan of the fun finds, foodie tomfoolery
and crafty shenanigans here at Rook No. 17, would
you take a few seconds to show your support with a
Now it's time to link-up and share your creativity!
1) FOLLOW Rook No. 17. Aw shucks, it just makes your host feel appreciated.
2) LINK-UP -- Link-up the URL of a specific post -- craft, recipe, DIY project, or anything else you'd like to show-off. If you have something for sale, please refer to the "Advertising" section.
3) POST THE BUTTON OR A LINK-- Grab the code for the button (below) and paste it into your sidebar or the body of your post.
4) VISIT ONE other link -- Isn't it great, when you're "discovered" by a new fan as a result of linking up to a party? Pay it forward and make someone's day!
5) OPTIONAL - Leave a comment -- I'll comment back -- simple as that.
1) click your cursor in the code box,
2) right-mouse click and "Select All",
3) right-mouse click and select Copy.
4) Paste the code into your sidebar or post.
Visit ONE other link and leave them a comment.
The links are featured from newest to oldest,
so everyone gets a chance to go "first".