Chonky Boys: The Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches that Scream Summer!

Featuring my thick and nuggy Chonky Boy Chocolate Chip Cookies, these ice cream sandwiches are the stuff that summer dreams are made of.  If you've ever had the Cookie Ice Cream Sandwich at Disneyland , you are going to LOVE these!  These big and bold chocolate chip cookies are based on a recipe from my culinary school studies at Auguste Escoffier, but with a few modifications to give them that Jennuine touch.  They make the perfectas book for a fat slice of real vanilla bean ice cream.  And those mini chips?  You just gotta have that extra cronch! Thank goodness this recipe only makes 8 sandwiches, otherwise I would be eating them for breakfast lunch and dinner.  This way, my big family can help save me from my inner child diet-saboteur.   Print With Image Without Image Chonky Boy Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches Yield: 8 Author: Jenn Erickson Loaded with chocolate chips and buttery, brown-sugary vanilla flavor, these mall-sized cookie...

Recipe: Brown Butter Baked Chocolate Doughnuts with Salted Caramel Glaze

Creating this recipe was a bit like a fairytale -- Goldilocks and the Three Bears to be exact.  The first batch was too soft.  The next batch, too dry.  My third try, just right!  My story began when I was frolicking through the densely wooded forest of inspiration that is Pinterest.  I was lured by a tantalizing photo of salted caramel glazed chocolate doughnuts and clicked right over to get the recipe.  To my dismay, the doughnuts were far out of  reach -- at a bakery on the opposite side of the country.  The journey had only just begun -- I'd have to come up with a recipe of my own.

After much trial and error, I developed a recipe that yields a perfect cake doughnut that isn't too sweet.  That way, it plays nicely with the sweet caramel glaze.  The batter is easy to make, and it's lineage can be traced to the classic French madeleine.  Although it's tempting to eat the donuts right away, they're best when completely cool, and even better the next day.  

So here's the recipe, submitted for your enjoyment (with no fear of reprisal from angry bears) ~ Happy ending guaranteed.

Brown Butter Baked

Chocolate Doughnuts

with Caramel Glaze & Sea Salt

Yield: 1 dozen

For the brown butter chocolate doughnut batter:
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup cocoa powdered
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1/4 cup plus 1 Tablespoon canola or vegetable oil
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 2 Tablespoons packed dark-brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

For the brown butter caramel glaze:
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 1/2 cup packed brown sugar
  • 1/3 cup half & half
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Flaky sea salt for garnish

Preheat oven to 325 degrees.  Spray doughnut pan with nonstick spray (or brush with some melted butter).

Step 1:  In a small heavy-bottomed pan, melt butter over medium heat until golden brown.  Immediately remove from heat and set aside.

Step 2:  In a small bowl, whisk together flour, cocoa powder, and baking powder.  Set aside.

Step 3:  In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whip eggs with the sugars until light and thickened (approx. 5 minutes).   Stir in the dry ingredients until just blended.  Add vanilla, browned butter and oil; stir to incorporate.  Set batter aside to rest for 10 minutes.

Step 4:   Transfer batter to a pastry bag or large ziploc freezer bag.  Snip a 1/2" hole in the tip.  Pipe batter evenly into the 12-cavity doughnut pan (batter will come up about 2/3 of the way).  Bake on middle rack of oven for 10 minutes.  Cool pan on a wire rack for 10 minutes before gently removing the donuts from pan.

Step 5:  While donuts are cooling, prepare glaze.   In a heavy bottomed saucepan, melt butter over medium heat until golden brown.  Immediately add brown sugar and half & half.  Whisk to combine, then bring to a boil.  Once mixture comes to a full boil, continue to boil for 1 minute.  Remove from heat and add powdered sugar and vanilla extract.  Whisk continuously for 1 minutes till glaze is smooth.  Immediately transfer to a small bowl (with a mouth wider than the doughnuts).

Step 6:  Dip the bottom side (the side that was in the pan) in the glaze.  Turn right-side up and set on a wire rack or sheet of parchment to set.  Sprinkle doughnut with a bit of flaky sea salt before glaze sets.  Repeat with remaining doughnuts.


This post has been linked-up to:
The BFF Open House @ The Answer is Chocolate
The Weekend Wrap-Up Party at Tatertots & Jello

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