These miniature meringue-topped cones are as sweet as can be.
Your Valentine will delight at the secret message and surprise inside!
This project was inspired by the mini-mallow cones from my mom's NYC childhood. When I found these diminutive ice cream cones I knew right away what my girls and I would be making for their school valentines this year.
With time-saving and ease in the forefront of my mind, I had originally planned on using pre-made mini meringues. If baking isn't your thing, and you can find pre-made meringues, by all means use them. Nary a pre-made meringue was to be found in my local stores, however, so I whipped up a batch of my own. They require only a few simple ingredients, and you can tint the meringue any color you wish.
If you've fallen in love with this sweet Valentine idea, please Pin-it .
When you're ready to get started, here's the "scoop"...
Mini Meringue Treasure Cone Valentines
Yield: Approx. 3 dozen

- 36 mini meringues -or- 1 batch homemade meringues (recipe below)
- 36 mini cones (source below)
- Valentine candy (I chose a bag of the Valentine colored M&Ms)
- 1 batch Small-Batch Royal Icing (recipe below)
- A pastry bag or ziploc bag (pastry tip optional, recommended size: )
- Secret Message PDF printed on card stock (Download HERE for free)
- Tent Card Tag PDF printed on card stock (Download HERE for free)
- Cellophane Treat bags (Found in the cake and candy section of most craft stores)
- Optional: A flat iron (to seal the bags)
- Scissors
- Stapler
You can purchase the mini cones through Amazon:
Step 1: Print the secret messages. Trim inside the grey lines. Fold in quarters. Place one message inside each cone.
Step 2: Fill with candy. Pipe royal icing around the rim of the cone.
Step 3: Set the meringue in place.
Step 4: Set the cone aside to allow the royal icing time to dry (approx. 15 minutes). I used a pan full of dried beans to prop up the cones while they dried (you can also use rice). When royal icing is dry, place each cone inside a plastic bag.
Optional: You can use a flat-iron to create an air-tight seal on your bags. Set the flat-iron to 300 degrees. Clamp bag for just a few seconds to seal.
Step 5: Print and trim the tent card tags. Trim about 1" off of the top of each plastic bag. Set tent card in place. Staple.
Spread joy!
Mini Meringue Recipe
Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper. I used a 1.5" biscuit cutter to trace circles in pencil on the parchment to use as a guide. Flip the parchment over after tracing so that graphite doesn't transfer to the meringues.
4 large egg whites
1 cup granulated sugar
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Optional: Gel or powder food color
Optional: 1 Tablespoon meringue powder
Preheat oven to 175° F.
Step 1: In a medium bowl set over a pot of simmering water, whisk together the egg whites, sugar and cream of tartar until the whites are frothy and the sugar has dissolved.
Step 2: Transfer mixture to the bowl of a standing mixer. Using the whisk attachment, beat the egg mixture on low speed for 1 minute (You can also use a hand mixer). Gradually increase speed and continue to whip until a stiff meringue has formed.
Step 3: Whip in the vanilla and a small amount of food coloring. I used a toothpick to place two small dabs of electric pink gel food coloring (from Americolor). For an extra thick meringue, beat in 1 Tablespoon meringue powder.
Step 4: Transfer mixture to a pastry bag (or a ziploc freezer bag) fitted with a 1/2" open star tip. Pipe inside the penciled guides on the parchment lined baking sheet to form a tall soft-serve shape.
Step 5: Bake at 175° for 1 1/2 hours. Turn oven off when done and leave door slightly ajar to allow time for the meringues to cool. When cool, immediately place in an airtight container.
Small-Batch Royal Icing Recipe
1 Tablespoon Meringue Powder
1 cup powdered sugar, sifted
2 Tablespoons warm water
Optional: Gel food coloring
In a small mixing bowl, stir together the meringue powder, sifted powdered sugar and water. With a hand mixer, beat until stiff and no longer glossy. Tint with gel food coloring to match your meringue. Transfer to a pastry bag fitted with a #3 tip. Alternately, you can use a ziploc freezer bag with a small hole snipped in one end.