
Chonky Boys: The Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches that Scream Summer!

Featuring my thick and nuggy Chonky Boy Chocolate Chip Cookies, these ice cream sandwiches are the stuff that summer dreams are made of.  If you've ever had the Cookie Ice Cream Sandwich at Disneyland , you are going to LOVE these!  These big and bold chocolate chip cookies are based on a recipe from my culinary school studies at Auguste Escoffier, but with a few modifications to give them that Jennuine touch.  They make the perfectas book for a fat slice of real vanilla bean ice cream.  And those mini chips?  You just gotta have that extra cronch! Thank goodness this recipe only makes 8 sandwiches, otherwise I would be eating them for breakfast lunch and dinner.  This way, my big family can help save me from my inner child diet-saboteur.   Print With Image Without Image Chonky Boy Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches Yield: 8 Author: Jenn Erickson Loaded with chocolate chips and buttery, brown-sugary vanilla flavor, these mall-sized cookie...


You'll have to pardon our bawdy enthusiasm, but Wired Magazine's Lore Sjoberg is FRICKIN' HILAROUS. On his insightful, witty & slightly warped "BOOK of RATINGS" you can check out his thoughts on such topics as Conspiracy Theories, Pasta Shapes, Wart Remedies, Marvel Supervillians, State Quarters, Facial Hair, Things from the Dollar Store, and a personal favorite here at the Rookery "Names for Felis Concolor" (that's a Mountain Lion in these here parts). Here's a little taste from "FISHER-PRICE LITTLE PEOPLE " The Upset Freckled Boy Child: It's nice of Fisher-Price to include a dissident among all the smiling Little Constantly Happy People. A dissident with his hat on sideways, so you know he's trouble. He's unquestionably the sort of hard-hearted delinquent who steals apples from Old Man Croody's yard and says "Nuts to you!" to authority figures. I like him. Grade: A You like? Tempted? Try so...


Image ROOK NO. 17 LOVES GOODGUIDE. HERE'S WHY: "What chemicals are in your baby shampoo? Was sweatshop labor used to make your t-shirt? What products are the best, and what products should you avoid? Increasingly, you want to know about the impacts of the products you buy. On your health. On the environment. On society. But unless you’ve got a Ph.D, it is almost impossible to find out the impacts of the products you buy. Until now… GoodGuide provides the world's largest and most reliable source of information on the health, environmental, and social impacts of the products in your home. WITH GOODGUIDE YOU CAN: Find safe, healthy and green products that protect you and your family Search or browse over 70,000 food, toys, personal care, & household products to see what’s really beneath the label Use expert advice and recommendations on products to quickly learn the impacts of what you buy Find better products and make purchasing d...


Rook No. 17 was there to check out the first trunk show from Sprout Boutique . They have a wonderful selection of unique apparel and gift items for babies and toddlers. Have you experienced the new fabrics being spun from Bamboo? Yes, bamboo, that stuff that Pandas eat. This new fabric is simply incredible! It has the softness of silk, but with excellent washability and durability ~ a dream fabric for children's clothing. Sprout Boutique is carrying an exceptional line of chic bamboo clothes from Kicky Pants. Sprout Boutique is now carrying the following product lines: Kicky Pants Organic Bamboo Infant & Toddler Clothing Isa Booties - Organic & Eco-Friendly Dimples Socks Baberoo Organic Cotton Legwarmers Giddy, Giddy Hair Clippies Spitz, Handmade Burp Cloths Empress Arts Accessories, Clothing, Gifts & Accessories Tourance Blankies & Bib/Burp Sets, Made in San Francisco Sprout Boutique's Very Own Original - Give Peas A Chanc...


Looking for an easy and fun project to do with your child that yields darling results? Consider purchasing a pattern for one of the soft and sweet little original characters from Sarah at "Bit of Whimsy Dolls". Her patterns are easy to follow and are reasonably priced. With a little time, some fun fabrics, and basic sewing know-how, you can create the most delightful hand-made gifts for birthdays, baby showers, etc, that are sure to be coveted. You can find Sarah at . She even has some free patterns that are just too cute to pass up.


In November of 2008 I shook off my veil of flour, rolled my last sheet of fondant, and said au revior to my love, my nemesis -- CAKE ~ taking a much needed, indefinite hiatus from the Cakerie. I am pleased to report that my health, my happiness, and my family are much better for it. But, since closing down my website, I've had requests from friends and fans of my sculpted cake art for access to a gallery of my work. I'm honored, flattered, and tickled (just not enough to nudge me out of retirement. Following are some photos of my favorite creation, "Crab Cake with a Squeeze of Lemon." To the right of this post you'll find a slideshow of some of my other favs.
ROOK No. 17 ~ The Help Nest You are invited to submit your questions and requests for recipes, craft tips, entertaining ideas, resource referrals, culinary techniques, tutorials, and troublshooting, etc. Visiting the Monterey Peninsula? Rook No. 17 can steer you clear of the tourist traps and point you toward the unique, the original, and the real. Whether traveling California's central coast, or cruising the net for the best chocolate cake recipe, smart birds flock to Rook No. 17.

ROOK No. 17 ~ Favorite Child & Baby Sources

GYPSY MONKEY -- Heather has created the most unique, high quality, exquisite batik clothing line for kids at . See pic of Max below in her gypsymonkey original. GIGGLE -- -- mod baby furniture, decor and clothes NORDIC KIDS -- -- funky baby clothes and accessories from designers all over the world. SPUNKY SPROUT -- -- "For A Modern Child’s Lifestyle: Stimulating Toys + Modern Designs + Quality Organics + Contemporary Gifts" INNOVATIVE BABY -- -- "Innovative Baby was founded on the notion that families are best served with products of exceptional quality that enhance the experience of parenting. Many of the companies that we represent utilize environmentally-sound products and procedures and support the global community through various methods of outreach." DAMESTAR BABY -- -- these tw...